a window in the front of our house yet verizon can place an antenna across the street from this julia moran home. my office overlooks 3512 clay street at the particular pole. on many days, i can look at and see as many as 100 people walking, tourists riding bikes or riding those little yellow go cars that we love around town, and they slow down, they pause, they stop, they get out, and they take a picture of this house. we are not opposed to increasing wireless service or the placement of antennas in the surrounding neighborhood provided it is done with an overall plan and input from the neighborhood association and the residents. it has not been done here. i have asked verizon multiple times what else did you consider? what was your second choice as opposed to this pole? there's been no response. so the proposed antenna at 3512 clay street is easily the most visible exposed pole on clay street. it would be a total eye sore, try the aesthetics of our neighborhood and block. now verizon, by their admission tries to locate these poles on street corners, mitigating neighbor's concerns and view