joining us now is our mainstream expert miss julia qasim with more on this issue. rs that the un experts have treated with grave. so these speak of similar violations against palestinian women in gaza, and these documentations include various forms of sexual assault including rape and threats thereof. so if we start with testimonies to the euromed human rights monitor, female palestinian detainees from the gaza's strip report being subjected to sexual violence, torture, inhuman treatment, strip searches, sexual harassment and rape threats while being arrested and held by israeli army force. so i quote, according to the testimonies of female detanees who were recently treated, who recently released following various periods of detention, they endured severe treatment that amounts to torture, including beatings, threats of rape, if they disobey orders, force nuidity, strip searches in front of male soldiers and verbal harassment, so uh, despite this marwall mainstream western media outlets have markedly underreported these well-substantiated... accounts and offered th