his career seen some great achievements with a little help from dope, it's wide receiver julian edelman is facing a 4 game suspension for performance enhancing substances. a 4 game suspension is quite a long leap away from 10 years in the can for edelman though, the cushy treatment didn't end there. he was still showered with awards at the years and even sealed advertisement deals. there are no rules in basketball. it's a similar story. last year, basketball, prodigy deon dreyer, 18 was caught doping up, his punishment, jail, just kidding. he was suspended for $25.00 games and then showed up on the jimmy kimmel show is a member of the n.b.a. all rookie team from the phoenix suns. say hello to deion 38 and hello to you. 3. ok. and here's the best part. he's now the face of a protein health shake, commercial ties on the prize. thanks to you, bill washington's long made it clear they take doping in sports very seriously. when of course, it suits their agenda. this has nothing to do with to lee's welfare or looking after teens. if it is to be told to do for stuff that you know for the us, i