julian hansen is secretary and she's my right arm, my left arm, she's there for me for whenever i need anything. and i really appreciate all the work you've done also to keep the chapter together and make it a viable entity. ken mali in the back there, the immediate chair and was instrumental in working with lieutenant governor in making this public service announcement which i'm really proud to say i think will give a real shot in the arm to the association as well as to jurors and the jury in general going forward. karen cansino, very instrumental in the distribution of our gazette, we're putting the gazette -- it was in the examiner two weeks ago. 130,000 copies distributed around the city. so, hopefully it fell in the hands of 130,000 people. and we are also distributing in all the libraries around the city. and while in speaking engagements, we talk about the civil grand jury. it is an excellent outreach item for us. we also have hal smith who is on the board [speaker not understood], and our current foreperson, mark [speaker not understood]. would you like to say anything about y