and julian jewelet and coalition first approached the city, and no, this is a main thoroughway, and because of this group, now look at it. we have bike lane there, not because for safety, but narrowed the lanes so traffic goes through slower. and we have a traffic line at duncan and gurle. and we have fantastic plants so people can smell the roses as they walk, i don't think the cars are. but it's a beautiful site. and another example is mixed masonic, those people are addressing the issues that are going on for years, and finally because of that, of the community and bicyclists and pedestrians, we are now looking at ways to fix that situation. and one more example, under walk san francisco, we happen to saw a few other cities do pedestrian stings, actually they are cross walk stings, and a plain clothed policemen walks across and controlled only by stop signs and if the car doesn't yield the right-of-way, the six motorcycles are waiting to give them a ticket. and we have walk san francisco and convince the police this is the thing to do here in san francisco. and now that they are doing it