it seems in some ways that you're taking kind of the julian simon approach if you're familiar with his his bet with paul ehrlich back in the seventy's. not that not necessarily that will think our way out of these problems but that it's not entirely thomas mellifluous it's not entirely disaster and gloom and doom it's change and our work has to be to anticipate that change rather right. yeah ok all right we're here we're ok you're back with me ok ok yeah we might i don't know how far you can back up to the oh we can off as we're doing this live but that's fine. i do they're quite the question really the bottom line question is is what. what impacts we were you know it's time of you're talking about the different ways that we could kill ourselves and the basically we we we want you know there's too many of us and we spread too far around the planet as human species to in all probability not vanish what we need to do is prepare for that future for these future changes what are the future changes that you're anticipating based on your science and what kind of preparations should we be mak