what julian simon found is that the price of these things was not going up. they were going down. so how can you have something becoming more scarce that was becoming cheaper? so, he begins to research other things. he starts looking at nonrenewable metals like copper. then he extended it to these other resources. what he observed is this population increase. these prices, these resources they went down. he published his findings. this created this huge contention between the two. science magazine published his article. so, they had this disagreement. finally julian says, why don't we just bet? paul, you pick five medals, however many you want and i will bet that they will be cheaper in the future. so paul ehrlich and two of his friends took the five metals, chromium, copper, tin, and tungsten. they said, let's bet 10 years and see what happens. 10 years later the bed comes through. the inflation adjusted prices of these five metals have fallen by 36%. that was during the same decade we had the highest growth of population on the planet. the population is doing this. prices are do