we're going to leave you with another special interview that we played with julie chavez rodriguez, ther advisor to the president of the united states, followed by some christmas caroling by little joe. we'll see you next week. julie chavez rodriguez: well, i keep so many quotes of my grandfather very close to me because he, you know, was both a role model but also a hero, and i feel really fortunate to have had the opportunity to, you know, get to grow up with him and see him in action and, you know, ride alongside him and march alongside him on so many ways. and there's one in particular for me that really kind of sings true and that i oftentimes share, and it's his quote where he says, "when social change begins, it cannot be reversed. you cannot uneducate the person who has learned to read. you cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. you cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore." and it's just, to me, a really powerful reminder of why we continue to do this work and why we continue to, you know, serve the american people. damian: you didn't have a choice growing up,