but julie darity says she paid a price, too.did you think, at some point, oh my god i'm one of tse whistle blowers i hear about? >> i did, and it's got such a negative connotation, but i would think most people are like me, and it's a very painful process, it's not easy, you're a pariah. >> reporter: no regrets? >> no regrets. because it was the right thing tdo. >> sreenivasan: what were the biggest payouts to whistleblowers in 2014? find out on our webse at newshour.pbs.org. >> sreenivasan: yesterday we told you that the national labor relations board filed formal complaints against mcdonalds and some of its franchisees. to unpack this story further, we're joined now by steven greenhouse. until this past week, he was a correspondent for the new york times who covered labor issues among other things. >>> so, the labor board says that many of the franchisees around the country and probably retaliated against, spied on wokers who participated in this fight for 15 campaign workers demanding base wage at $15 an hour at fast-food res