it is written by julie hirschfeld davis. it is a self reversal from the presidentpted from barack obama, who voluntarily released more than 6 million white house visitor records, even as his administration fought successfully in federal court for the right to keep some of that information secret. host: we have got some calls coming in. first, let's go to carol calling from san diego, california on the republican line. what is on your mind, carol? caller: i am sorry, that was not what i was calling about. host: by all means, go right ahead. caller: i think the fact that they are a limiting prescriptions by people who are in real need, like in california, you only get a seven-day prescription, it is absurd. a have to really need have these renewals over and over again. last year, i was at kaiser, and i was going on vacation, and i had to take a prescription, and low and behold, they cut it in half because of the new restrictions relative to opiates. on vacation -- and we are on the border country, so there are a lot of illegal