so -- let me just introduce our panel and then i will turn the floor over to julie kennedy cochran for few words. the -- we have the two authors of the forward to this book. john maxwell hamilton who is executive vice chancellor and provost at -- louisiana state university. better known to all of us as lsu. he came to lsu in 1992 after more than 20 years as a journalist and public servant. most of that time he worked on foreign affairs. both from the covering and the -- taking part of -- before he assumed his current position at lsu he was the founding dean of the manship school of mass communication. he was a reporter for the milwaukee journal, christian science monitor, and abc radio. longtime commentator for marketplace which is broadcast nationally by public radio international. it is government work. he oversaw nuclear non-proliferation issues for house foreign affairs committee, advised the head of the u.s. foreign aid program in asia during the carter administration and managed world bank program attorney general indicate americans about economic development and in the course of