my name is julie lindow and i represent san francisco climate emergency coalition as well. as well as san francisco bay physicians for social responsibility. so today i am actually representing hundreds of health professionals in san francisco. many at ucsf and kaiser and i also worked at the foundation for deep ecology where i was an assistant reviewing grant proposals by climate organizations. and i can say from that experience that we are so incredibly fortunate to have tyrone zhou and the team at sfe and an outstanding climate plan. and i want to second the comments that tyrone and cindy made about how important it is at this moment for san francisco to lead. we must lead and i want to thank all of you for everything all your support of funding the full funding funding full funding for the climate plan no matter what it takes. we need to fund the climate plan sfe bev zero waste and especially the climate equity hub. >> and i was very struck at the capital planning committee meeting recently that if you defer fixing potholes it exponentially costs a ton more. with the cl