julie pearl is the former deputy attorney general of california. she founded her firm with the former head of ins so we know julie knows what she's talking about. thanks for talking to us. on the face of it, it seems like a reasonable move. there are a limited number of jobs that number is shrinking. why would we then import talent? >> right. because this particular talent contributes disproportionately to our economy and lots of studies show that they create jobs. they do not take them away, and that the jobs they fill cannot be filled by u.s. workers. >> president trump often thinks of the zero sum game. you can see it in a lot of things he says. so you're saying it's not a one for one, that the one job that might have been replaced is one for one that the jobs are being created. do we have any idea how many jobs? >> well, different studies. there is some showing that they for every h 1 b worker, their economic contribution take one to five u.s. jobs. i put up the challenge, if it's about jobs, let's make it about jobs. so say for every h 1 b work