eh, it's talk. >> reporter: julie rickard is workinwith management at kadie glen, which hasn't had a suicide, to try to prevent one from happening by screening residents for depression and suicidal thoughts, teaching staff to recognize warning signs, and then intervening when necessary. some families watching this might start to feel a bit guilty for having their loved ones go into long-term care facilities. what would you say to them? >> i would say, you know, there's lots of reasons that people go into long-term care. this isn't about whether it's a right decision or wrong decision. what it's about is, what are we doing on the backside to make sure that the person is transitioning well when they are going into long-term cdoe? that we arg the things to support them and stay connectedr orter: a big part of that means pairing people who are not adjusting well with those who are, to help them reconnect and re-engage with the community. for jane davis, that mentoring piece is key. >> i think the biggest thing is nnection. if you have no connection, if your voice is no longer heard, why?