had they not stopped to do that, they -- and as for julie when joe got the story, it stunned the people in georgia. and that's where they left the assault. all of the army families including my wife, they were all ordered out of -- 30 days. accommodate families. julie and others were given 30 day days -- we deployed august -- a lot of those families went all across the country. members of them resettled in thomas, georgia. and julie led a house -- three bedroom, during nights, she had to put up a couple of cots. so she had -- and she was in the company of wise families. she saw me being interviewed on tv on the, after the battle. by abc television. of course they were all -- sergeant's wives and then within five to eight days -- first dead soldier. shot and killed, his radio operator shot and killed by machine fire [ inaudible ] the guilt -- i was right there when he died. so here was sent back and the way that -- our cab driver and julie found out -- that's correct. in the midst of all this, she thought open open the door, he'll go away. but then told me that she said no, they suffered