ourselves that the use of nuclear weapons is inevitable. >> bill: joining us now from new york city juliet huddyddy, i guess that's to convince the iranians not to develop a nuclear weapon it should be in farsi. we should tell the audience we called all of those people and said, you know, what do you really want? what are you asking for? shockingly, huddy, none of them will appear on the factor, so we have to go to you. >> i don't understand why this would be -- this is an interesting video because it's actually coming from global zero which is a movement, it's an organization that aims to eliminate nuclear weapons across the board, kind of move past this 20th century ideal of national security through mutually assured destruction rather than they just want to eliminate nuclear weapons across the board. they were hoping that the president would talk security through mutual shared deconstruction. >> bill: both you and i because we are sophisticated news people know this is a total waste of time. >> why do you say that? >> bill: because there are bad people that will not eliminate nuclear weapons.