julio escobar is the director of the office of restorative justice ministry. >> yes. i coordinate the ministry named restorative justice. >> you told me a couple of things. one is that you and your ministry is called ministry. you don't call it an office or bureau or program. the second thing you do and insisted on informing me is that it is a ministry of president. help us understand those things. >> when i say presence i mean we need to be present when we meet people and have a congregation with people we can be offender or victim. we need to be present and be accompanying families in the process of their journey in recovery whether there inside a prison or jail or it is a person that has lost a family member in violence. >> as i look at what you do in your mission statement, it does seem you acknowledge there is a relationship between the offender and the victim and maybe the relationship did not exist before, they didn't know each other but now they are in a relationship. i know nothing about this except what you are going to tell us. the relationship is there and