let me introduce my colleague julio escobar. he is your title of director of authority justice ministry. >> yes. it is named restorative justice. >> you work in the central chancery office. you told me a couple of things. one is that your ministry is called ministry. you don't call it an office, a bureau, a program. the second thing was it is a new presence. >> well, when i say that, i mean that we need to be present when we meet people. whether it is an offender or a victim, we need to be present recovinsi panying. of a prison or a jail. >> as i looked at what you do, it does seem that you acknowledge that there is a relationship between the offenderand the victim. but now they are in a relationship. the relationship is there and it needs acknowledgment and pending. that is what you let people to understand. >> yes, the relationship is there but it needs to be a bridge that brings two parts together. that's where we are starting those justices when harm has occurred in a particular way. so, that breach needs to be connected by