but for detective julissa trapp, this case was far from over. she would soon find that there was one more secret buried in that mysterious landfill. now with the conclusion of our story, here's keith morrison. >> reporter: four mothers, four dead daughters. there's sorrow, of course. >> when they killed her, they choked me. >> reporter: and a measure of solidarity to have each other, especially priscilla and herlinda. >> now that we know what's happened to our daughters, we'll be friends till the end because she's walking in the same shoes i am. >> reporter: we asked them about julissa trapp. >> translator: this case was solved because of her. >> to me, she's an angel in disguise, an angel that carries a badge and a gun. >> reporter: their own guardian angel who brought all of them answers. but how, the moms wondered, did two men who were supposed to be under supervision by parole officers, who were being tracked in realtime by gps ankle bracelets, how could they have committed the terrible crimes they were charged with? how could this happen? >