then with the priorities of our equity communities, so here's julius boeri to start with the heart of our work. thank you for having me. thank you for the warm welcome. it's very much appreciated. um as we say in our community, i'm here with an open hand and a kind heart. good afternoon commissioners to members of the public here in the room and online. i'm julius saborio, the community engagement manager of the equity division, and i'll be reviewing the activating community priorities component of the housing element. implementation effort. our first goal is to broaden community participation and awareness of the adopted housing element its goals. it's community identified priorities and the various implementation scopes. our second call is to intentionally and authentically engaged with equity community voices and community organizations and include them in the various housing element implementation processes. we will be identifying community driven strategies that were in the original housing element and was thought were adopted. that help inform and support. all of our city planni