discovered traditionalism and i think that as one of my uh beloved philosophers, traditionalist julus eva has said once, my biography is my bibliography, i consider myself much more than living person, rather text, i have written myself as a person. so uh, i have um uh entered in the church, i have formed my political, religious, philosophical ideas, i have preferred to be christian as my my people, as my society, i have great respect for islam, for islamic tradition, thanks, for example, very interesting. to understand where we are in the world, we need to to put all the processes, all the events, and that... larger context, before the first world war, we had traditional world order when the empires existed, after the first world war, that was completely change of this world order, there was the fight between three political ideologies. "the start of the four-day conference in the persian capital, which, in effect, signs the death warrant of nazi germany. impressive security measures had been taken for this critical and most momentous conference, which will shape the destiny of mankind.