jumma and his cronies at least nine hundred seventy five million u.s. dollars the official ministry of justice figure is much smaller three hundred four million u.s. dollars here meeting a local journalist who believes the research is figures a closer than the government estimate i have more trust in god indorse people than i would be government. because you can't police yourself he says the government is still full of the same elites only the head of the government changed after the election in twenty seventeen. the sort of opportunity would be hard. in twenty seventeen to change this country for good policy isn't good least not sort of the past we are moving into on seven feet. that's dangerous johnny has left but a lot of his associates did not none of them responded to our interview requests except this man. he was secretary general. we are a small country small society big complex. it's not going to be easy to get to the bottom of things he says he knew about the looting of public funds but he did not do anything wrong and. he has a possibility of