only republicans understand that heavy mumbo, jumo. we don't know from the graduated capitol gains. >> oh, please. >> it was a secret code. >> we know, steve, that the president's plan to raise taxes dramatically . we have two different sets of plans on what to do with taxings. mitt romney said he would lower tax rates on everybody . the president would raise the top bracket from 35 to 39 percent. a new surcharge for obama care . he said we go back to clinton and we would be going back to tax rates under the carter administration, right? >> the whole thing with europe and japan and now the america governments are crushing the private sector and deficits get big yer problems get worse. that is the problem in europe. why do we want to repeat that here? greece is now more taxs and now awe depression. massive increase in taxes and 80s we did the opposite and 90s, clinton raised taxs and economy slowed down and he reduced taxes. >> you are shaking your head . this is what president obama is going to do? >> why are corporate profits at recor