talking about a university, our noble friend said that we didn't exist before, why did we have jundi shapur university, we had many universities that performed surgeries, who does it belong to ? take the tools and look at them, zahrawi , and see how they work. all of this exists. in ancient times, all of this was done a thousand years ago . now, science has advanced , and we can use certain technologies . i, my doctor, know the pain you caused here. it is possible inferior, it could be an mi, a heart attack in the lower part of the heart , it could be an appendix, the pain here could be blockages, there could be dozens of other things, i can reject these things, i did n't. he doesn't know anything , he came back and said, go, i don't know, barhang balango, go , eat this, eat the mint, you'll be fine, you'll be sick, that's the golden time, they say 6 hours. really, this word of your heart should also be incompletely included in this work, as a result, we endangered the lives of others. i have one more point. yesterday, this patient had visited about 20 places. weakness and lethargy, father , a simple