but if crying chuck schumer, you know crying chuck, nancy pelosi, or the legendary junius axine waters they take power they will try to wipe away all that we have done, and at the same time double and triple and quadruple your taxes. and we are not going to let it happen. they will restore the job-killing regulations. i cut more regulations in less han two years than any other administration has cut in four years, in eight years, or in one case, more than eight years. we have cut more. remember i said, we want to cut two for every one, right now it it is trading at 22-1. we cut one regulation and we take out 22. a highway that would take 20 years to get approved, would go through a process, you believe it, environmental, labor would take 20 years, 18 years, 15 years, 22 years. we have it down to two and a half years. we want to get it down to one and a half, maybe even one. and by the way, we may reject it if it is not good, but you're not going to wait an entire lifetime and then wait and find out at end that it won't be approved, and it is going to end up costing 10 times or 30 times