and he was introduced to belle greene by his nephew, junius spencer morgan, who was a serious bibliophile and connoisseur of books and prints and drawings. junius introduced him to this young woman, who was working at the princeton university library as a clerk. she said she was 22 years old. she immediately took charge of morgan's literary collections and began to discipline dealers who were charging him too much and to organize the collections and to somewhat limit his--morgan's voracious tastes and kind of put things in order she was a wonderful, flamboyant character. she supposedly once said, 'just because i am a librarian doesn't mean i have to dress like one,' and she wore couturier gowns and jewels to work. she stayed at claridge's in london and in paris at the ritz she went to european auctions, where all the other buyers were men, and she would walk off with the best items, with some fabulous caxton manuscripts and gutenberg bibles and just wonderful things. and she had love affairs--the main love affair she had was with bernard berenson, who was a leading art scholar, and that w