junll cwhwh it is a process but it is already a dark-haired. and i has a good rhythm. >> would youhy say that would be the hardest part you put togetheryoo? >> it takes practice believe me. i probably broken a couple of times and culinary school. yes. yes. that is the hardest part naturally. canadian bacon we want to have it nice and brown on both sides.s. their coagulated around it it is not quite ready yet. >> is it a judgment factor, eggs? >> it is. one thingr, when you cut into eggs benedict, he want the yokeke to come out. some like ito hard but yes. no, never. we will go ahead and put that on there.no,, give ed and it another second. >> while i am learning is key to just practice to keep trying right? it is all about thea experience and the routine. >> it looks delicious though you but the center is still loosed that is great. >> but then you don't want it to run a case because it's not good if it is to run a in the egg white runs out we don't want that we do not want that. >> while you are you're getting that wayay can i ask you about th