. >> jurez williams has been at santa rosa for seven months. >> i've been incarcerated three times allon of probation for prostitution. >> williams says he began turning tricks at 12 years old and has been arrested eight times for prostitution. >> prostitution, when you first catch one, it's a misdemeanor. and after the third one, they upgrade it to a felony. and that's what happened with me. from what the judge told me, if i get caught again for prostitution, it would be a five-year sentence. >> do you still consider going back? >> i can't help it. i cannot help it. if someone gave me like $1 million right now and told me you don't have to do this no more, i think i would just upgrade everything i have and continue doing what i do. >> williams' many mug shots offer a glimpse of his life as a transgender prostitute. >> i'm addicted to it. i don't know why. that's all i can say. >> one time he was even mistakenly booked into a county jail as a female. >> i know i'm a man but i consider myself a woman. on the street i live my life as a woman. on the street i live my life as sharoya taylo