jurga our daughter and her daughter well there is a well known company china. of course we're also providing advertising from want to see. when china benefit from the healthy product and block area benefits from being promoted and becoming even better knowing how she did it it was there and well it's a win win situation. this is also why one of the most important points on the agenda is a visit to the mountainside just behind the village with a path of longevity i don't know. if this is or has come here to investigate the mystery of the gilbert for themselves in a display of gratitude the chinese ambassador and deputy party secretary even plant a tree of friendship it stands for a shared yogurt tradition that will continue to grow thanks to the close bond between munchie love sea and shanghai get to ghana grabs the chance for another conversation. along the path of longevity signs explain in 3 languages the secret of munchy love to see residents benefit not only from the yogurt but also the clean air and clear water from the mountain springs. during the event p