love is a word that is more than justen ament but is an action, a pouring in to young people and familiesthe compassion and support that they need that we would give to our own children, to o own family members. and so that was any mentoring effort or the credible messenger effort or any attempto really help young people, help fathers in particular but overall help families become empowered. we have to love them. we have to provide the care and the investment and all of the things frank talks about to help people develop t become secure and empowered dads, sons, mothers, and family members in this whole village. >> m and, malone, you said we're beyond just mentoring. >> yes, we e. i want you to know i'm connected not just through the 100 fathers. i'm a member of the fraternityw h is a network, a national network that we work here. we're looking for resources in the community before the criminal justice system. those resources that are spent incarcerating people should be spent preventing people from beingar irated in the first place and the tool should b support, empowerment, boundaries a