justin garcia, give us a wave and evolutionary biologist and sex researcher at the kinsey institute atiana university. welcome to the show both of you. thank you very much. thank you. let's be here. great. all right, let's get started dr. fisher. i want to start with you last year the vaccine we know is not available this year it is how has that changed how america dates i think i have some ideas based off of what some of my girlfriends are griping to be about at the end of the day. well, what's amazing? is that something like 73% of singles have been vaccinated and that's a great deal more than the general population, which is about 64 percent. and at first i was really surprised at this because you know when you're in a partnership, you've got people who are going to urge you to go and get that vaccine, but it's singles who are getting the vaccine more and it began to think to me. oh, right. these people are in the dating market, i mean, you know, they're trying to win life's greatest prize, which is baby partner and in fact, and in fact, that's very healthy, you know if you're in a