in sarasota today...tsuyoshi wada getting his first start of the did not go well...justin morneaumorrow... we'll update you oin the lady terps..and our prep player of the week awaad..that's coming uop at 11:30 as sports 3 old abits are hard toobreaak including rinsing your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. but .../ as... patrice harriss.. tells us../ ááitáá to.ns out... / 3 off dirty dishes before ing putting them in the dishwasher is utomatic.(natsot: water) but consuuer reports dishwashhe testers, who washh thouuands of dishes every year, say that extra steppis not necessary - and they would our dishes diity with some of the oughest stuff out there, like oatmeal, eeg yolk, peanut buttee, and tomato sauce."all this food is left to dry onto next step - testers load ach dishwaaher with the eeact same number of dishes..hey use a standard detergent, the same one for each machine, as well as a rinse aid.when theedishes come out, the best dishwasherr leave them sparklinn lean - no prr-rinsing required. and you'll save more han time. chyron:jim nanniconsumer dishes, and if y