. >> activists like justine alderman say there's no proof broken windows helps to lower crime in new york. >> the types of offenses i see every day in the courthouse in south bronx are not the offenses that are policed in rich, affluent white neighbourhoods. being in the park after dark, or riding your bicycle on the street corner. >> new york city focuses attention in minority areas. >> johnny is a former new york police officer. >> they claim this is where all the crime is taking place, which may have some truth to it. however, when you get to the point where all you are doing is writing summonses, writing summonses, making arrests, without working with people, it's like an army of occupation. it does more harm than good. >> new york's police commissioner credits broken window making the city a safer place. it works, it's essential. it will in new york city. robberies, shootings and murders hit lows, and arrests for misdemeanours like trespassing have fallen over the last few years. do you think minorities have been targeted. why are more arrested? >> the reality is we live in a ma