holy savior of god, this hymn was composed by the byzantine emperor, justinian the great, who lived at the turn of the fifth or sixth centuries, sounds maloektiya. to ourselves and to each other and weight, here is our crime against god, let us betray, lord, you are a jacobite of man. love god, give you a weak father and to the son and the holy spirit, now and forever, the exclamation was uttered by the glue of the cathedral of christ the savior georgy martynov lord , have mercy . the third antiphon sounds, which consists of singing the verses of the psalm and the territory of easter at this time, the clergy, except for the patriarch, and the bishops serving him are removed to the altar. in the altar here the yoghurts deacon takes the throne of the gospel and through the northern domestic doors are sent to the patriarchal pulpit. in this moment the small entrance is called, which historically developed as the beginning of the liturgy, when the gospel and sacred vessels stored elsewhere in the temple were brought to the temple, and symbolize the small entrance, the procession of jesus c