juve it all off. and then, it looks like this now. (audience chuckles) [smith] yeah.ence applauds) [mo'] i just need somethin', i just need somethin' to block out the light from my head, shinin'. (audience laughs) [smith] but you said to me again, before we came out today, this kinda really caught my ear. i wanted to ask you abt this. you said, "buying a hat is an arduous task." [mo'] yes. [smith] we could do 30 minutes on this. why don't you do a shorter version of it? [mo'] well, my friend, colin linden, he alws says. he's very, you know, manly like im, know, on the top of the head. [smith] quite bald. [mo'] he says, so i mean, when you go lookin' for your hat, this becomes your haircut. th [smith] right well,'s inte. lookin' for your hat, [mo'] this is like, you know. this becomes your, you know, either you can wear this. this is cool or you can wear this. but this is like a haircut now. if you've ever had a bad haircut, you know-- [smith] sometimes, the answer to a bad haircut is a hat, actually. [mo'] yeah. (chuckles) [smith] as the case may be. [m s] just wait a