ministers to make tokyo the world's number one city when it comes to welfare twenty he k k k k k k k k k ks primemememe minister twenty yes ago. he has the voluntary backing of the democratic party. the unity party and the people's life party and inister junichiro koizumi y y y y y y youou know i causem allllllll on the wall. i think the most important thing for jap clear message now that we will end the use of nuclear power generation. and that will make use of alternative energy. i want to work to build a new japan by leading the people who hope to design the country's future. byby tngnatural and renenenenewable energy. has thrhrhrhrown his hat in the rain. he's an executive of an internet related firm we did it when i step on the internet kerry's views of many people who otherwise wouldn't be able to voice their opinions. i hope to create popopopolilicies dgampaf such opinions. other candidates have registered are shown on the screen these contenders s s have also registered. campaign managers are already busy mapping out their strategies i spoke with nhk roles like bombay on the u u u u u u u u u u