eliminate minimum off street parking requirements and making appropriate findings. >> supervisor k. tang: thank you, supervisor kim first. >> supervisor j. kim: thank you so much. thank you so much, chair tang. we actually heard this at land use committee. it began as a re-do of our better streets ordinance clean up language around curb cuts and also what we may require, or ask developers to include as part of either a change of use or new development throughout our city. through that process when we went to the planning commission with this ordinance, the planning commission, to actually, to my support suggested we eliminate minimum parking requirements citywide. just to clarify what this amendment would do, it would not prohibit parking in any new development. it would merely remove the requirement that developer would have to build a minimal number of parking spaces. currently, many of the policies and programs that this board of supervisors has already passed has basically allowed us to waive the minimum parking requirements whether through t.d.m. policy or a.d.u.'s, we allow develop