kada: rightow, we wt toake surwe havenough wat for theeople toive herand for to grow and ght no we e at capity becae our stem is oer, and need tomprove tt. [sorio speing spanh] narrar: accesto clean drinki water irural califoia is cplicatedbut inemote llages tt lie thin mocco's soutest mouain regn, the oosite is truehere, noradition soluons are ing embred and giving hope communies n need. [khada ghouatspeakin nativeanguage] jamila rgach: he the povert has bee staggerg n terms water. peopleere ling in perpetuly eless anxty. and ma of the men were tellinus how ty would trsty andive war first thir childn, to thelderly, and tohe anima. [dony brays] [gruntig] hazna taoute speing nativlanguage baach: theater shoage an e irregarity ofainfall haveade livehood hervery diffilt for t househos. [vehicle hornonks] ohamed bour speing nate langua] issa derhem speakng frenh] rgach: t impact climate chge just thin the2 years that we,s an orgization, ha been acve in e region is rely stagging. there hs been a signifcant increa in the at and ithe mmers. t sahara isight on thether sidof the mntain an is