princess kadija will be running her campaign from san francisco, naturally. anyone can run for president. anybody can run. every year, just about everybody does, to a certain extent. several hundred people run. when it comes to actually running an orderly campaign, and doing things like setting up major debates, the major parties have had to deal with this to a certain degree, right? princess kadija is probably not going to make it into the presidential debates this year, no offense intended. more systemically figure out a way to make sure only the candidates with any conceivable viability make the cut and get into the primary debates. in some years, it's a larger number of conceivably viable candidates than in other years. the other cycles, we have had a few viable candidates. in 2008, the democrats thought they would have a pretty good chance of takes the white house after george h.w. bush and dick cheney. a lot of potentially viable democratic contenders. that year, there were as many as eight people on stage on the democratic side, and that included peopl