air base and the feasibility of relocating some or all air force assets currently at kadima air base rather than building a replacement facility at camp scwab that is unrealistic. the bill prohibits the obligation of funds for tour normalization on the korean peninsula until the secretary of the army provides congress with a master plan, including all costs and schedule projections, to complete the program and the director of cost assessment and program evaluation performs an analysis of alternatives justifying the operational need. the department of defense's current plans for okinawa, guam and korea were developed years ago in a different fiscal environment and are projected to cost billions of dollars more than anticipated. at the time of tight budgets, we owe it to the department of defense and to the taxpayers to insist on a close examination and strong justification before we proceed. second, the committee adopted an amendment to strike all funding for the medium extended air defense system, meads. in february the department of defense announced that after investing more than $