. >> supervisors, the last name is kadir. i would add my voice in asking you to please get involved with the hrc recommendation. the situation in my view is a rather severe one. i can give you numerous accounts of my personal experience of attacks on my person simply because of my faith. the place i live is operated by that rogue agency, namely the san francisco housing authority. however because the situation is in life and death one in some instances, i would like to share with you some words that will let you know how i feel about what is going on. look to the east, west, north, south paris it is severe. lives are being lost. these words were also burned by famous from minister, a british prime minister as the nazi bombs rained down on britain. churchill said these words. they're still at sept today. if we must die, let it not be hunted and pendinned in an inglorious spot. if we must die, let us nobly die so that our precious blood will not be shed in vain. even the monsters we defy shelby constrained to honor us -- shall