compensated many many yn.nakadv@ task fornakadv@noc rec 1noc rec1 .na had tried to su kadvover t@ kadvitsimply no1continue, can they?ld be snaue1 experimentationc rec 1oakadv experimentatially aoa qkauedvste c 1vion wi@ll helnop c tore c renderstand tno victims there's nothi will ev oakafodvr h carolinaoakadv@go beyond justkadv@noc rec 1noc ree kind oaofka tdvhing t@o oakadv@ >> you know, that h@noc rec 1c 1 certainly stages to loooakikang@ rec th1i time whennoc rec 1 had just e recovered after the greatany sts paekah carolinapakadv@ kacognizpa @>> sunoarc ezre: c ch1ng us.@n1 pakadv@ cnoovc erreac the @ new h@ary, mnoic ttrec 1 declara ofpaka wdvhat he@noc re >> o@noc rec 1 is howresec 1 upe the 21stpakadv what i am talkin1 pl overpakadv@ ocean withndqau, @no tc elrel c yo1u tonigwithout toqakadv century notqakadv goi@1 >>noc rec 1 thoughts from thatoa columnist david c 1addvavid,@ ynqakadv@ nohuc ne 20 points yet he splace mean, to anywayqa kahidvs thi@as a ticke1 you know, irec 1 it. gave.paign in qakatidvmes wnoasc n'retc 1 anteresting clie 1speech in the thought. i th