in closing, i want to say not an hour of the day goes by when we don't miss our director kaefrlg todd. we're all working hard together to get through. i think it katherine is doing is good job fighting cancer and want to say how much she's missed and thank you everyone in terms of we're having slow irons in some areas and thank you for your patience we're definitely feeling here absence >> any comments? i'd like to ask a request about s p-46. could you give a short summary of that will it make a big difference and i think we believe that this bill will be very important to all large group employers doing business in the state of california you are about to give there are essentially 3 sections of the law that are changed. the first two have to do with transparency other than the premium payment. - plans that set their claims based on claims data so a lot of the services that are driving the trend that are driving the premium rates and also another section, section f chickens specific to i think health plans that do necessarily base their pricing on claims and it's getting into detail.