>> kaelin, in the next few months, we have got an open dnc chair race and i am hopeful that in the context of that dnc chair race a few things happen. one is, hopefully a lot of people enter that race, and i think there should be debates and open conversation, let's have it out, public debate is a healthy debate, and then let's think about the project for what that dnc chair has to do, i would hope that they will open the doors of the democratic party, make it a grassroots party, say that we want to get out into wisconsin, new jersey, virginia, you name the state and we want to invite people in, especially unintentionally people who voted for donald trump, people who might have voted for obama and then gone to trump. we want to hear from you and we want to listen to you, we want to take notes but we want to ask you some basic questions. what do you think of the democratic brand? what are our strengths or weaknesses? what do you like us talking about? i hope that process helped guide the ship because right now i'm usually we are all pundits trying to get thoughts and advice, the final arbit