time is critical to god. ç kafrlly. testimony. this pops it. get ready.what god's done for me he'll do for you but it requires faith. it requires faith. i made a decision that i was going to believe this book, the bible. let me ask you a question, if you're not going to believe the bible, what book are you going to believe? if you're not going to trust god, then who will you trust? i'm talking with you about faith, the very essence of god is in numbers 23:19. i want to you see this because it's critical and it's going to help supercharge your faith life. the bible says in numbers 23:19 man he deni. is that correct? if he said it, will he not go it? when we read that we focus on the fact that god cannot lie. is that correct? we forget the emphasis on that verse is not on the fact that he doesn't lie. i want to work with your faith for a moment and help you see something that's going to change you. we know that it cannot be emphasized that he is not a liar because if god says it, it becomes so. it's impossible for god to lie. he cannot lie. i've got a beaut