another letter from kail al-shashi from the base of tantorah to the commander of the army. of this village, this is the only house that we are sitting under, of all that you see. all around is destroyed, i heard what i heard here, that there was a murder here, the murder of amoni in tantura, and all the corpses that were left here, were not buried in the graves of the jews, and those who buried them are the people of pardis . the place where we buried people, in every place, that's how they said, at the height of the legs, actually the legs, a bit above the legs, that's the height, just to hide the body... and to cover the corpse. שנת 91 he wanted to make a sound. and while the diggers were digging, they uncovered the bones. where? bones of the chest הרחים here is behind. when i came to them, i tell him, what are you doing? they were digging here with mechfiron in this place, here is where i am standing. while working, i saw a lot of bones, full of bones, i ask him, what are these bones, what are these bones , as if i entered the market, he tells me, these bones are from th