great kair at the denver v.a., just a bit of an inconvenience. i have no complaints about the prosthetic care that i received. i consider myself to be very fortunate where i am vulnerable, uneducated about the process. i worry about those veteran who are not in position to look for themselves and accept what they're told. veterans should have a choice of options when it is desired by a patient. amputee veterans bill of rights i think is critical. i reviewed three reports recently issued by the office of the inspector general and have some general observations to offer this committee. the first is of the $1.8 billion spent by v.a. on prosthetics in fy 2010, only 54% or 3% was spent on prosthetic limbs this is a relatively small portion of dollars spent by the v.a. on a broader category. secondly, the v.a. has a major investment in internal limb prosthetics capacity in 2009 with the development of the amputee system of care program that should be commended for its commitment and focus on important population. the report notes high satisfaction with