this is one of the kaiser wilson banners. and a continuing part of these protests is to throw wilson's words at him. wilson has said he support suffrage. where are you? why aren't you part of fighting with the tide that is rising to meet the moon? these are not -- these are quotes of susan b. anthony's. and they would reuse banners and mix them together, which i think is interesting. frequently there are three banners. so say "how long must women wait for liberty?" demand for suffrage and an explanation that it is the most important thing to fight for right now. those two together, a little history with a mild question will be a very pointed question. "mr. president, you say liberty is a fundamental demand of the human spirit." it just begs for an answer. every day they bring a question out to woodrow wilson and beg him to come and answer it. in a way it's amazing that he never did. very few of us can resist responding when we're provoked or when we're challenged or when our credibility is called into account. the suffragists