officer who engaged him, he returned fire and there were some wounds to officer hammar and officer kajano involved in all of this who had high blood pressure, huge-stress related time would cause somebody with high blood pressure to be checked. he felt stressed out and they took him, but that's it. the officers -- all of the officers involved, heros each one, able to take this man down and he is alive and that maybe the most important bit of this day. think of the wealth of information the man on the stretcher may have available to the jttf, the joint terrorism task force in new york and surrounding areas and terrorism task force and law enforcement in the area, was he working with someone, was he trying to get a larger plot underway, what were his motives? it's endless, we could go through this all day. now it appear that is he will survive from the looks of things here, you decide, it looks like he will probably survive. you make it to the trauma center alive and you usually survive and authorities get to speak with him and ma means that we could know and that could be invaluable to aut