arrival in kakuma kenya's 2nd biggest refugees head home and it was the last stop in kenya for german president franklin before heading to sudan the arid region in the far north of kenya hosts over 190000 refugees mainly from south sudan but also from somalia ethiopia and burundi each time i appraise kenyans and the local to kind of people for their work posting refugees we are done for. v.k. in your money kenya is handling the situation deserves respect funding and. me because specially when you consider that the local people here in northern kenya are themselves juggling to make ends meet at finding in the attic of the lung and do the better you wouldn't do this and that's no longer given what they've suffered long periods of drought over the past years commons which is reduced the crops need to be good to get people off the water as a scarcity of food is a major challenge shared by both the to kind of communities and the refugees. within the camp pilot projects like the school garden i supposed to help in the. idea is to teach students about farming in the harsh climate as well as